Last additions - Puppies Apolo x Bruta |

My daughter Mimi with Astoria116 viewsROBLE%970 %01, %2012

Astoria Rubine104 viewsROBLE%969 %01, %2012

Astoria Rubine with father Apolo110 viewsROBLE%969 %01, %2012

Astoria Rubine with cat Drapik :)211 viewsROBLE%968 %01, %2012

Alkinianos Ambra Kali 2 months old87 viewsROBLE%968 %01, %2012

Alkinianos Astoria Rubine + Alkinianos Ambra Kali 2 months old91 viewsROBLE%968 %01, %2012

:)87 viewsROBLE%967 %01, %2012

Astoria Rubine85 viewsROBLE%966 %01, %2012

Sweet family 86 viewsROBLE%966 %01, %2012