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CAMPOSAGRADO 20121251 views%06/%18/%12 pm30 %14:%JunNorma: Gorgeous Mastin !!!

Garden State Classic-KC-USA Dog Shows June 2-3 2012405 views%06/%12/%12 pm30 %15:%JunNorma: Thank You, and you're welcome

Garden State Classic-KC-USA Dog Show June 2-3 2012477 views%06/%08/%12 pm30 %14:%JunNorma: The pattern is called "Russian Band" whi...

Garden State Classic-KC-USA Dog Show June 2-3 2012416 views%06/%08/%12 pm30 %14:%JunNorma: Thanks !

Fall Creek Diva-Tatyana May 2012413 views%06/%08/%12 pm30 %13:%JunNorma: I liked it too even though she looks a little goof...

Garden State Classic-KC-USA Dog Shows June 2-3 2012456 views%06/%08/%12 pm30 %13:%JunNorma: Thank You both

Garden State Classic-KC-USA Dog Shows June 2-3 2012 384 views%06/%08/%12 pm30 %13:%JunNorma: LOL Thanks LG !!

Lo que has encontrado?452 viewsSiru%04/%20/%12 am30 %11:%AprNorma: Love the Mastines and the Birdhouse !

Fall Creek Diva- "Tatyana"s debut at the American Rare Breed Association Dog Shows April 14-15-2012307 viewsNorma%04/%20/%12 am30 %11:%AprNorma: Thank You Coco ! I also prefer outdoor shows , o...

Fall Creek Diva- "Tatyana"s debut at the American Rare Breed Association Dog Shows April 14-15-2012312 viewsNorma%04/%20/%12 am30 %11:%AprNorma: Thank You Lori and Jonas !!

Holly Mastibe 5,5 years256 viewsmastibe%04/%17/%12 pm30 %14:%AprNorma: Nice !!!

Ydalgo Leon Tornado Erben - 1. Birthday397 viewsadmin%04/%07/%12 pm30 %12:%AprNorma: Happy "1st" Birthday Ydalgo !!

Portrait - Quántum Mastibe and Erbi de Anaise453 viewsSiru%04/%07/%12 pm30 %12:%AprNorma: Love them both !!

Fall Creek Diva "Tatyana" at 8 months April 3 , 2012337 views%04/%07/%12 pm30 %12:%AprNorma: Thank You Sally !! Brando will be 8 yrs old on J...

Fall Creek Diva "Tatyana" at 8 months April 3 , 2012337 views%04/%05/%12 pm30 %18:%AprNorma: I just wanted to add that although Tatyana looks ...

Reseraching the forest171 viewsSiru%12/%28/%11 am31 %02:%DecNorma: They are a great team together .

Erbi311 viewsSiru%12/%28/%11 am31 %02:%DecNorma: Erbi is beautiful and looks really huggable here ...

Apolo de Ablanera - 12 months1054 viewsjonas%12/%05/%11 pm31 %14:%DecNorma: What a handsome boy he is !! I can't beli...

XL working at club "stay"383 viewscoco%11/%29/%11 pm30 %13:%NovNorma: very nice !

Do you give up ??349 viewsNorma%11/%11/%11 pm30 %13:%NovNorma:

Fall Creek Farm Diva- Tatyana at 14 weeks 11-07-11222 viewsNorma%11/%11/%11 pm30 %13:%NovNorma: Thank You very much Jonas !

Tatyana y Brando 11-07-11219 viewsNorma%11/%11/%11 pm30 %13:%NovNorma: Thank You Iva !

5 cachorros (3 machos, 2 hembras)920 views%11/%08/%11 am30 %03:%NovNorma: oh they're really cute,I hope they find good h...

Campo, Selena y Obelix322 viewsTramasterra%10/%22/%11 pm31 %16:%OctNorma: Estan bellisimos !!

Ysis Tornado Erben 13 months251 viewstornado%10/%15/%11 pm31 %18:%OctNorma: Beautiful Blonde !
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