
Sofia Sol Tornado Erben 7 years with mother Lois Tornado Erben 9 years93 viewstornado

Xara Grace Tornado Erben 5,5 years old110 viewstornado

Niké Charley Tornado Erben with puppies from kennel Priehrada100 viewstornado

Baruc de Puerto Canencia 5 years116 viewstornado

Nalon Bears de Lunava 7 years 93 viewstornado

sisters Lois and Linda Tornado Erben, 8,5 years old87 viewstornado

Florita Maja Tornado Erben 10,5 years old with her daughters100 viewstornado

Umberta Lili Tornado Erben 5,5 years old104 viewstornado

Our dogs waiting for the breakfast86 viewstornado

Tigron de Trashumancia138 viewstornado

Quanto Tornado Erben nearly 7 years old77 viewstornado

Tarqui Tornado Erben168 viewstornado

Teobaldo Tornado Erben150 viewstornado

Tia Tallula Tornado Erben134 viewstornado

Thur Tornado Erben 134 viewstornado

Lady Carla Tornado Erben (8,5 years old) - exc.1, Best Veteran, Best of Breed, BIS VETERAN 343 viewstornado

Lady Carla Tornado Erben (8,5 years old) - exc.1, Best Veteran, Best of Breed, BIS VETERAN 347 viewstornado

Dali de la Aljabara 5 years old67 viewstornado

Dali de la Aljabara 5 years old69 viewstornado

Fernando Tornado Erben58 viewstornado

Baruc de Puerto Canencia - exc. 1, CAC, CLUB WINNER, BEST OF BREED43 viewstornado

Baruc de Puerto Canencia - exc. 1, CAC, CLUB WINNER, BEST OF BREED52 viewstornado

Bribon de Filandon - exc. 1, CAC in intermediate class41 viewstornado

Vigo Mastibe - exc. 1, CAC in open class51 viewstornado

Lois Tornado Erben - exc. 1, Best Veteran75 viewstornado
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