Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Sanson del Dharmapuri: Exc. 2, res-CAC - Open Class Males, Euro Dog Show, Zagreb, Croatia 10.06.2007
(Rubi de Montes del Pardo x Fani de Fuente Mimbre) 
Born: 16.12.2004 

Keywords: 2007 fresu

Sanson del Dharmapuri: Exc. 2, res-CAC - Open Class Males, Euro Dog Show, Zagreb, Croatia 10.06.2007

(Rubi de Montes del Pardo x Fani de Fuente Mimbre)
Born: 16.12.2004

zagreb-young_class_males6.jpg zagreb-young_class_males3.jpg zagreb-young_class_males.jpg zagreb-sanson.jpg zagreb-rint_valeri_asso_for.jpg zagreb-open_class_males.jpg zagreb-open_class_females2.jpg
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File information
Album name:admin / 2007 - EURO Dog Show, Zagreb, Croatia (Iva Jarova & Lenka Erbenova)
Keywords:2007 / fresu
From country/Desde pais::Poland
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Fre-Su
Owner/Propietario::Joanna Turek
Filesize:21 KiB
Date added:%642 %13, %2007
Dimensions:528 x 425 pixels
Displayed:315 times
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