Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Pastel portrait of mastines Erbi de Anaise and Trueno de Bao La Madera - made by Anu Reimann, Estonia
Made by Anu Reimann, kennel Anuler, Estonia
Keywords: art anuler

Pastel portrait of mastines Erbi de Anaise and Trueno de Bao La Madera - made by Anu Reimann, Estonia

Made by Anu Reimann, kennel Anuler, Estonia

azlan-drawing.jpg 3371_513910631957491_1783341388_n.jpg 23426_109600349055190_5220778_n.jpg 25810_109212989093926_3307719_n.jpg 25868_120881234593768_3678873_n.jpg 31180_130682176947007_1195323_n.jpg 306304_292061024142454_1354385986_n.jpg
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File information
Album name:admin / Masti­n Art - Arte Masti­n
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:art / anuler
From country/Desde pais::Finland
Owner/Propietario::Antero and Eeva von Bagh
Filesize:77 KiB
Date added:%504 %29, %2012
Dimensions:719 x 471 pixels
Displayed:245 times
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