Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Xeitoxa de Terra de Montes - made by Jose Antonio Goldar Gonzalez, Tenerife
Pastel y grafito en papel.
23 X 32.50 cm.
Mastin 5 months owned by Mastines Terra de Montes
Keywords: art antonio

Xeitoxa de Terra de Montes - made by Jose Antonio Goldar Gonzalez, Tenerife

Pastel y grafito en papel.
23 X 32.50 cm.
Mastin 5 months owned by Mastines Terra de Montes

Valle_del_Pisueña_xmas14.jpg Alkinianos_xmas14.jpg joulu2014.jpg xeitoxa.jpg Joulua.jpg felicitacion-2012-mario.jpg annelie2012.jpg
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File information
Album name:admin / Masti­n Art - Arte Masti­n
Rating (1 votes):44444
Keywords:art / antonio
From country/Desde pais::Spain
Filesize:43 KiB
Date added:%745 %19, %2014
Dimensions:960 x 720 pixels
Displayed:99 times
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