Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Yoing Class Males - World Dog Show 2009, Bratislava
From left:  
Bono Madridskiego Dvora, Chiwas z Kraje Sokolu, Motley House' Ole Lukoe, Qerubio Tornado Erben and Sereno Tornado Erben

Yoing Class Males - World Dog Show 2009, Bratislava

From left:
Bono Madridskiego Dvora, Chiwas z Kraje Sokolu, Motley House' Ole Lukoe, Qerubio Tornado Erben and Sereno Tornado Erben

championclassfemales1.jpg puppyclassfemales.jpg linda+lyurua.jpg youngclassmales.jpg cueto+olelukoe.jpg syra.jpg aes2.jpg
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File information
Album name:admin / 2009 - WORLD Dog Show, Bratislava, Slovakia
Rating (2 votes):33333
Filesize:51 KiB
Date added:%874 %16, %2009
Dimensions:1037 x 550 pixels
Displayed:137 times
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