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Balak de Tierra de Órbigo: EXC 1, Best Male - Open Class Males, Cervera de Pisuerga 13.08.2011
Keywords: 2011 tierraorbigo

Balak de Tierra de Órbigo: EXC 1, Best Male - Open Class Males, Cervera de Pisuerga 13.08.2011

MB-Celeste-B.jpg -Exc-3º-Bostom-T-O.jpg -MB1º-MC-Pegaso-B--la-M-(2).jpg -Exc-1ºMM-Balak-T-O-(2).jpg -MB2ª-Ginebra-B-la-M.jpg -MB3ª-Nala-V.jpg -Exc-4ª-Agata-T-O.jpg
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File information
Album name:admin / 13.08.2011 - CERVERA DE PISUERNA (Angel Fernández)
Keywords:2011 / tierraorbigo
From country/Desde pais::Spain
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Tierra de Órbigo
Filesize:176 KiB
Date added:%578 %21, %2011
Dimensions:1109 x 737 pixels
Displayed:163 times
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