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tigre de cabornera
Hijo de Turko de Cabornera
Keywords: cabornera

tigre de cabornera

Hijo de Turko de Cabornera

1527111_10202331054631361_227486274_n.jpg 10273912_659652064111395_2579402595193548752_n.jpg 1-20131003_181723-001.jpg 1-DSC_0620.JPG 1543301_10202149747696520_1257112750_n.jpg 1-DSC_0522-001.JPG 1-27141_122191121308288_720099251_n.jpg
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File information
Album name:Celso de Cabornera / celso de cabornera
From country/Desde pais::cabornera (Leon)
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Cabornera
Owner/Propietario::Celso Gutierrez
Filesize:289 KiB
Date added:%728 %31, %2014
Dimensions:674 x 800 pixels
Displayed:118 times
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