Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
It is last photo of our beloved dog Druso de la Aljabara - 20.01.2003 - 06.02.2010 
He died several days after his 7th birthday after operation of gastric torsion. We miss him a lot. He was great family dog and great stud dog. He is father of more than 50 champions and juniorchampions living in many countries of Europe.

Druso murió en 7 años después de la operación de la torsión gástrica. Estamos muy tristes de perder nuestro querido perro. Fue nuestro amigo y gran semental. Él es el padre de más de 50 campeones y joven campeones que viven en muchos países de Europa.
Keywords: memoria

It is last photo of our beloved dog Druso de la Aljabara - 20.01.2003 - 06.02.2010

He died several days after his 7th birthday after operation of gastric torsion. We miss him a lot. He was great family dog and great stud dog. He is father of more than 50 champions and juniorchampions living in many countries of Europe.

Druso murió en 7 años después de la operación de la torsión gástrica. Estamos muy tristes de perder nuestro querido perro. Fue nuestro amigo y gran semental. Él es el padre de más de 50 campeones y joven campeones que viven en muchos países de Europa.

lili6,5m1.jpg quanto18m8.jpg quanto18m15.jpg druso7y.jpg female1e.jpg roxana17mes.jpg maja5l+sofie.jpg
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File information
Album name:tornado / Tornado Erben
From country/Desde pais::Czech Republic
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Tornado Erben
Owner/Propietario::Lenka Erbenova
Filesize:122 KiB
Date added:%727 %08, %2010
Dimensions:743 x 450 pixels
Displayed:365 times
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Comment 1 to 17 of 17
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ELFA   [%778 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
I am so sorry Sad
rodolfo   [%785 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
lo siento Tornado. Fue uno de los mejores de los ultimos años.
mari.mastiffs   [%836 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
Crying or Very sad
ludareva   [%867 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
I am so sorry!!! Sad Sad Sad
suskewitz   [%893 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
A tragical loss Sad Rest In Peace, beautiful friend.
zarmon   [%985 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
Sad Sad Sad
mastibe   [%988 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
Anu   [%010 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
Crying or Very sad
sokol   [%014 %08, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
Leni,je mi Donika moc líto. Sad
mom2goliath   [%312 %09, %2010 am28 %0:%Feb %Z]
I grieve your loss with you Lenka. So sorry Crying or Very sad
fre-su   [%365 %09, %2010 am28 %0:%Feb %Z]
barter   [%438 %09, %2010 am28 %0:%Feb %Z]
We regret the lost of Don. He was unique Crying or Very sad
Norma   [%587 %09, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
What sad news to wake up to..My condolences to you Lenka.. Druso was an outstanding and Beautiful Mastin..RIP big boy Sad.
El Corte de Madrid   [%724 %09, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
So sad and terrible news Crying or Very sad It's great bereavement! My condolences to you, Lenka! Crying or Very sad
sally   [%875 %09, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
Lenka, I am so sad to read, that you lost Druso. I never 'met' Druso 'live' but I always enjoyed the wonderful photos of him in the gallery, all the way back from when he was a young boy at only a few months of age...
tornado   [%057 %10, %2010 am28 %0:%Feb %Z]
Thank you for your nice words and support.
izka   [%027 %12, %2010 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
I am so sorry Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Comment 1 to 17 of 17
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