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Ich. Historia Tornado Erben
4 years
Druso de la Aljabara x Ch. Cassandra Tornado Erben
Keywords: confundo

Ich. Historia Tornado Erben

4 years
Druso de la Aljabara x Ch. Cassandra Tornado Erben

tori4r2.jpg tori4r25.jpg tori4r13.jpg tori4r20.jpg nalon-nearly8m.jpg paca2r.jpg quanto11m14.jpg
Rate this file (Current rating : 5 / 5 with 3 votes)
File information
Album name:tornado / Tornado Erben
Rating (3 votes):55555
From country/Desde pais::Czech republic
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Con Fundo
Owner/Propietario::Ladislav Stekr
Filesize:327 KiB
Date added:%019 %14, %2009
Dimensions:864 x 600 pixels
Displayed:289 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites

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mari.mastiffs   [%233 %15, %2009 am31 %0:%Jul %Z]
This picture shows well, that she starts to be now fully grown up, in age four. It is amazing how much mastines develope for a such a long time. For example I would have never quessed, that our Tico will be as hansom and powerfull as he is. Tori has "all signs of adulthood", full papda, her body has fullfilled all over( if you understand what I mean) and her character is calm and so self-certain, it can be sensed from the pictures. Marvelous female with beautiful, deep colour.
suskewitz   [%353 %15, %2009 am31 %0:%Jul %Z]
Yes, most mastines are at their best when they are 4 to 6 years old. A (very big) pity that their show-carreers end at 2 or 3 years of age ... Sad Or even earlier ... Crying or Very sad

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