Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
ICH Charisma Zaark Mastibe  - BOB -Best of Breed
ICH Arak Z Kraje Sokolu x ICH Amiga Zazi Bis Mastibe

 In champion class: exc.1, BOB- Best Of Breed, , Club winner 12 & 
 was won all special prizes for females:" the best head",
 "the best performer", "the best movements".

ICH Charisma Zaark Mastibe - BOB -Best of Breed

ICH Arak Z Kraje Sokolu x ICH Amiga Zazi Bis Mastibe

In champion class: exc.1, BOB- Best Of Breed, , Club winner 12 &
was won all special prizes for females:" the best head",
"the best performer", "the best movements".

P5083697.JPG merry_christmas_and.jpg Etsu_LV_BOB.jpg Charisma.jpg P6070107.JPG sara2.JPG 29_3__223.jpg
Rate this file (Current rating : 4 / 5 with 1 votes)
File information
Album name:zarmon / Estonian Mastiff Club XIV Specialty show - 29.04.2012
Rating (1 votes):44444
Filesize:69 KiB
Date added:%497 %06, %2012
Dimensions:650 x 433 pixels
Displayed:98 times
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