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Puppy (1 week old) born July 2007
Naik Naikons Lirs Favorits x Bas Magia Alabama 
Keywords: elfa

Puppy (1 week old) born July 2007

Naik Naikons Lirs Favorits x Bas Magia Alabama

IMG_0465.jpg cae.jpg CABEZAS_ESPECIAL_MASTIN_037.JPG 2007_07_23_1week_04.jpg Llagarón_de_La_Cangueta_1Enero_2014.jpg P8060042.JPG pluto-4w,0.jpg
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File information
Album name:admin / LATVIA - Svetlana Kalugina
From country/Desde pais::Latvia
Owner/Propietario::Svetlana Kalugina
Filesize:25 KiB
Date added:%795 %30, %2007
Dimensions:546 x 381 pixels
Displayed:74 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites