Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
ONEGA DE CAMPOLLANO machos intermedia 1excelente Aepme Monografica Alicante.  
Onega machos intermedia -males intermediate class 1st excelant. 
a lado nuestro amigo Manu con Watson de Danca Cotufa. 
Keywords: Onega de Campollano

ONEGA DE CAMPOLLANO machos intermedia 1excelente Aepme Monografica Alicante.

Onega machos intermedia -males intermediate class 1st excelant.
a lado nuestro amigo Manu con Watson de Danca Cotufa.

P1220704-1.JPG P1110822_[].JPG P1120969_[].JPG P1070661_[].JPG P1060922_[].JPG P1060331_[].JPG morita-1-y-bis.jpg
Rate this file (Current rating : 4.7 / 5 with 3 votes)
File information
Album name:Mastalaya / MASTALAYA
Rating (3 votes):55555
Keywords:Onega / de / Campollano
From country/Desde pais::España
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Mastalaya
Owner/Propietario::Jose F. Hernandez Peña y Tracey Pemberton
Filesize:84 KiB
Date added:%669 %07, %2009
Dimensions:680 x 383 pixels
Displayed:165 times
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