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Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Afijo Torrestio, Asturias, Spain december 2010
Keywords: torrestio

Afijo Torrestio, Asturias, Spain december 2010

_MG_2432.jpg _MG_2401.jpg _MG_2403.jpg _MG_2404.jpg _MG_2413.jpg _MG_2414.jpg _MG_2415.jpg
Rate this file (Current rating : 4.5 / 5 with 2 votes)
File information
Album name:jonas / TORRESTIO - ASTURIAS, SPAIN
Rating (2 votes):55555
From country/Desde pais::Asturias, Spain
Filesize:136 KiB
Date added:%770 %01, %2011
Dimensions:1024 x 595 pixels
Displayed:261 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites

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Torrestio   [%995 %02, %2011 pm31 %0:%Jan %Z]
Torrestio, concejo de Babia de Yuso, Leon. The picture is from Quexo, concejo de Las Regueras, Asturias
sally   [%240 %04, %2011 am31 %0:%Jan %Z]
Changed the text, Luis Laughing
Torrestio   [%010 %04, %2011 pm31 %0:%Jan %Z]
It's not important at all Sally just in case some fanatics from Leon, ja, ja... hope next Barrios we can talk for a while, you can come to Torrestio with Jonas and Apollo and could visit some rebaños up there, ok? Smile

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