Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Natalie y Wapa Danca Cotufa 
Keywords: Wapa Danca Cotufa/Mastalaya

Natalie y Wapa Danca Cotufa

P1220012_[].JPG P1220064_[].JPG P1210910_[].JPG P1210876_[].JPG P1200843_[].JPG P1200874_[].JPG P1200853_[].JPG
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File information
Album name:Mastalaya / MASTALAYA - GRANADA, SPAIN
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:Wapa / Danca / Cotufa/Mastalaya
From country/Desde pais::España
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Mastalaya
Owner/Propietario::Jose F. Hernandez Peña y Tracey Pemberton
Filesize:363 KiB
Date added:%321 %19, %2011
Dimensions:1597 x 900 pixels
Displayed:545 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites

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mom2goliath   [%022 %19, %2011 pm31 %0:%Mar %Z]
love your "dogs posing with children..." shot Tracey Wink muahaha Laughing
Mastalaya   [%329 %20, %2011 am31 %0:%Mar %Z]
Me too, our dogs are family so these are family photos that we collect for us , but I like to share them, also I like to show what a wonderful loving breed the mastin is with kids.
Mastalaya   [%330 %20, %2011 am31 %0:%Mar %Z]
We got home with Wapa at night so this was taken her first real day with us, she is such a soppy loving dog, really we love her loads. I am so happy to have her living with us.
Mastalaya   [%331 %20, %2011 am31 %0:%Mar %Z]
Plus, who doesn't know how proud I am of my little mastinero Natalie! She is crazy for these dogs, you should see her bedroom
Mastalaya   [%332 %20, %2011 am31 %0:%Mar %Z]
she has cut pictures out of the Carlanca and stickytaped them all over her room!!!! LOL!!!!
mom2goliath   [%767 %20, %2011 pm31 %0:%Mar %Z]
that is too cute! haha, now get back to manicuring the lawn Wink
Mastalaya   [%324 %21, %2011 am31 %0:%Mar %Z]
weeds you mean! It's not grass believe it or not!! It has rained quite a bit this winter and we had lots of this weed come up that looks like grass... now its dead though , was the closest thing I had to grass for a while anyway!... now back to dusty dirt again lol.

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