Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Natalie Hernandez Pemberton, mastinera in the making! Nuestra Hija Mastinera con casi 8 años!!
Natalie came in second place for juvenile dog handler she took our 11 month  Nube(Pedigree name Linda)  into the ring, 
it was Natalies first time in the ring and she did a wonderful job, we are so proud of her!! and of course the two of them as a team!
Natalie saco segunda plaza presentador juvenile con nuestra cachorra Nube con 11 meses, era su primera vez y lo hizo fenomenal, estamos muy muy ogullosos de ella! y claro de las dos como equipo! 

Natalie Hernandez Pemberton, mastinera in the making! Nuestra Hija Mastinera con casi 8 años!!

Natalie came in second place for juvenile dog handler she took our 11 month Nube(Pedigree name Linda) into the ring,
it was Natalies first time in the ring and she did a wonderful job, we are so proud of her!! and of course the two of them as a team!
Natalie saco segunda plaza presentador juvenile con nuestra cachorra Nube con 11 meses, era su primera vez y lo hizo fenomenal, estamos muy muy ogullosos de ella! y claro de las dos como equipo!

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Rate this file (Current rating : 5 / 5 with 3 votes)
File information
Album name:Mastalaya / MASTALAYA - GRANADA, SPAIN
Rating (3 votes):55555
From country/Desde pais::España
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::MASTALAYA
Owner/Propietario::Jose F. Hernandez Peña y Tracey Pemberton
Filesize:77 KiB
Date added:%977 %26, %2009
Dimensions:680 x 383 pixels
Displayed:170 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites

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zarmon   [%029 %26, %2009 pm31 %0:%Oct %Z]
Congratulations Tracey and Natalie! Very Happy
Norma   [%126 %27, %2009 am31 %0:%Oct %Z]
Great job Miss Natalie and Nube !! Smile
suskewitz   [%712 %27, %2009 pm31 %0:%Oct %Z]
Lovely couple Very Happy
Kiwiespañola   [%607 %30, %2009 pm31 %0:%Oct %Z]
Natalie says muchas gracias!! and me too! Its so nice to have such lovely comments guys xxxxxx we are so proud of them both!!

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