Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Cypress Hill Ludareva (7 months) - Best Puppy - National Dog Show Radom, Poland 21.05.2006
(Enamorado Ernesto Mastibe x Franchesca Mastibe)
Breeder: Ewa Jasinska LuDareva (Poland)
Owner: Slawomir Maternia

Keywords: 2006

Cypress Hill Ludareva (7 months) - Best Puppy - National Dog Show Radom, Poland 21.05.2006

(Enamorado Ernesto Mastibe x Franchesca Mastibe)
Breeder: Ewa Jasinska LuDareva (Poland)
Owner: Slawomir Maternia

Karus-kahrut3%7E0.jpg Karus-kahrut2%7E0.jpg Karus-kahrut%7E0.jpg radom-211.05.06.-011.jpg radom-211.05.06.-043.jpg radom-211.05.06.-050.jpg israel2.jpg
Rate this file (Current rating : 3.3 / 5 with 3 votes)
File information
Album name:admin / Various shows 2002-2006
Rating (3 votes):33333
From country/Desde pais::Poland
Owner/Propietario::Slawomir Maternia
Filesize:26 KiB
Date added:%000 %21, %2006
Dimensions:448 x 336 pixels
Displayed:69 times
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