Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
Anuler Aureliano 20 month old (20 meses de edad), 97kg, official valuation of dysplasy HD-A/A and ED-0/0. Owner kennel Startail`s
(Elton z Kraje Sokolu x Anais Rio Rita)
Keywords: Anuler

Anuler Aureliano 20 month old (20 meses de edad), 97kg, official valuation of dysplasy HD-A/A and ED-0/0. Owner kennel Startail`s

(Elton z Kraje Sokolu x Anais Rio Rita)

amado_ja_anki.JPG Adelita,_spring2010,a.jpg P7280237.JPG Aureliano2010-1.jpg Aureliano-2010.jpg P6301415.JPG P6301468,_ilma_r.jpg
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File information
Album name:Anu / ESTONIA - Anuler
Rating (1 votes):44444
From country/Desde pais::Estonia
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::Anuler
Owner/Propietario::Anu Reimann
Filesize:310 KiB
Date added:%919 %05, %2010
Dimensions:600 x 337 pixels
Displayed:113 times
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