Mastin Gallery

Mastin Espanol Gallery - All photos: © Copyright by the owners!
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5 cachorros (3 machos, 2 hembras)
one month old. they were born in the dunes near the beach. Please please need foster care or adoption. Urgent.
we have 3 dogs and a cat and we can not take care of them. if we do not find families for them, unfortunatly they will go to a kennel

5 cachorros (3 machos, 2 hembras)
tienen un mes de vida. han nacido en las dunas cerca de la playa. por favor necesitan familias de acogida o adopción urgentemente.
tenemos 3 perros y un gato y no podemos hacernos cargo de ellos por mucho tiempo. si no encontramos familias para ellos, desafortunadamente irán a una perrera

5 cachorros (3 machos, 2 hembras)

one month old. they were born in the dunes near the beach. Please please need foster care or adoption. Urgent.
we have 3 dogs and a cat and we can not take care of them. if we do not find families for them, unfortunatly they will go to a kennel

5 cachorros (3 machos, 2 hembras)
tienen un mes de vida. han nacido en las dunas cerca de la playa. por favor necesitan familias de acogida o adopción urgentemente.
tenemos 3 perros y un gato y no podemos hacernos cargo de ellos por mucho tiempo. si no encontramos familias para ellos, desafortunadamente irán a una perrera

321546_10150358202793853_749863852_8233427_1392612527_n.jpg 375361_10150358202418853_749863852_8233420_379278815_n.jpg 378441_10150358202988853_749863852_8233429_278794956_n.jpg 382961_10150358202618853_749863852_8233424_1596849984_n.jpg 388524_10150358202293853_749863852_8233418_1756182727_n.jpg 5.JPG mastin_en_perrera-778517.jpg
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File information
Album name:VARIOS Refugios-Protectoras-Asosiaciones
Rating (2 votes):22222
Filesize:104 KiB
Date added:%585 %03, %2011
Dimensions:960 x 720 pixels
Displayed:920 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites

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admin   [%087 %04, %2011 am30 %0:%Nov %Z]
Plaese send contact email or telephone no for me to add...
admin   [%093 %04, %2011 am30 %0:%Nov %Z]
By the way, they do not 'look like 'real' mastines españoles, so you probably wont get any get any help from here... Mad
suskewitz   [%996 %04, %2011 pm30 %0:%Nov %Z]
Well, they may not look like convincing mastines, but only time will tell. In the meanwhile I think they look cute Very Happy
Norma   [%202 %08, %2011 am30 %0:%Nov %Z]
oh they're really cute,I hope they find good homes !!

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