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In Meoriam - La ultima photo de Trueno de Bao la Madera
Keywords: antero memoria trueno

In Meoriam - La ultima photo de Trueno de Bao la Madera

rantasaunalta_talolle_päin.JPG Erbi_ja_Oona.JPG Erbi_lago.JPG Treuno_ultima.JPG jugando_3.JPG JUgando_2.JPG Jugando_1.JPG
Rate this file (Current rating : 5 / 5 with 1 votes)
File information
Album name:Siru / La Casa de Vera
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:antero / memoria / trueno
From country/Desde pais::Finlandia
Kennel name /Nombre de afijo::La Casa de Vera
Owner/Propietario::Antero von Bagh
Filesize:213 KiB
Date added:%774 %27, %2010
Dimensions:640 x 427 pixels
Displayed:298 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites

Comment 1 to 11 of 11
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suskewitz   [%887 %27, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
I am really sorry for this loss Sad Rest In Peace, Trueno Sad
mari.mastiffs   [%008 %27, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
I am so sorry. But I am so greatful that Trueno got chance to live last part of his life with you and feel that he is wanted and loved familymember. These are so sad stories, that it makes my heart break Crying or Very sad .
mastibe   [%011 %27, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
I am so sorry Crying or Very sad .
tornado   [%019 %27, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
I am very sorry too. It is so sad. You gave to Trueno great home. On every photo, which you put here, we could see how happy He was with you and your family.
ROBLE   [%463 %28, %2010 am31 %0:%May %Z]
Rest in Peace, Trueno.....
Mastalaya   [%516 %28, %2010 am31 %0:%May %Z]
Eva and Antero I am so sorry xxxx big hugs from Tracey xxxxxxxx
zarmon   [%910 %28, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
I am so sorry Ewa and Antero Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
fre-su   [%952 %28, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
It's so sad... Sad
kromagnon   [%483 %29, %2010 am31 %0:%May %Z]
what a so sad surprise Crying or Very sad terribly sorry Eva .
Siru   [%648 %29, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
Dear frinds thank you for your condolances, these are always sad matters, Trueno will always stay in our hearts.
satu   [%733 %30, %2010 pm31 %0:%May %Z]
When i heard Trueno needed GOOD home, I knew who would be the ones for him!!! I`m so sorry Sad

Comment 1 to 11 of 11
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